
Palm Sunday - Luke 19:28-40 (Luke 19:28-40)

Tim Douglass, April 5, 2020
Part of the Other series, preached at a Sunday Morning service

Palm Sunday has always been, in my mind at least, a bit of an oddball church celebration. It doesn’t have the salvation significance of Good Friday or Easter or even Christmas, but we always love to celebrate it as it leads us into the more important events of Easter week. What we need to remember is that the events of that day (probably actually on a Monday) were Jesus making some serious declarations about who He is and basically putting all the religious leaders in Jerusalem on notice that they were about to be faced with a choice – were they going to recognize the reality of who Jesus was or were they going to try to continue with business as usual.

Watch this message on video


About Tim Douglass: Tim is the pastor of Monitor Bible Church.
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