Patience & Preparation
Read Isaiah 40:1–11
Last Sunday we lit the first Advent candle to remind us of the watching and waiting of God’s people across the ages. Not just waiting for the birth of Jesus, but that we are now waiting and watching for His return.
Light the first candle.
This week we want to consider the patience that it took to wait all of those years. We should also think about the things that God expected His people to do during those times of waiting. They were not just “down time”, but the people were to learn the Law, build the temple, purify the land – in short, prepare for the birth of the Messiah.
We light the second Advent candle, then, to mark the patience and preparation God expected of His people.
Light the second candle.
Isaiah’s message, which resounds in this second Sunday of Advent, is a salve on our wounds and an impetus to prepare with commitment the way of the Lord.